We are supporting The Christmas Sparkle project this Christmas, please watch the following video for how you can support this effort. This video was shot by the children! More information can be found out here: https://www.christmas-sparkle.org/
Please join year 6 for our Remembrance Service.
A story about the Galette des rois and the traditions associated with this scrummy cake.
Enjoy this story, what will happen to the galette?
A traditional song to celebrate the famous Epiphany galette.
So who makes the fèves? Find out in this little film. And did you know that there are people who collect fèves?
Ever wondered how to make a delicious Galette des Rois? Watch and learn.
What are the origins of this French Epiphany tradition?
Trotro, the little donkey enjoys his Christmas.
Little donkey, Trotro and his Christmas tree.
A compilation of Christmas and winter-themed episodes from Peppa Pig and friends.
A lovely film in French about Father Christmas and a snowman.
Learn how to make a Christmas log in French.
An extract from the Nativity story in French
Les crêpes à Paris - Pancakes in Paris - watch a professional make pancakes.
Crêpes et galettes au menu - find out the differences between pancakes and galettes. Watch out for the Breton flag.
La recette des crêpes - Comptine pour la chandeleur
Why do we eat pancakes at Candlemas?
This well known story will help you learn the days of the week in French and different types of food. Don't forget it also teaches you about the life cycle of a papillon (butterfly).
Watch this video and see how to draw the Eiffel Tower.
Petit Ours Brun – Little Brown Bear acts out some animal moves and then has a quiz of animal sounds.
Lots of animals and questions and answers in French.
Jack and the Beanstalk in French.
See some of the most beautiful places in France.
Where in the world are we? Find out more about France, its location in Europe, its mountains, rivers and cities.
Enjoy! How many greetings from our song can you spot? Can you spot the age question and answer?
A really catch rap to teach you how to ask and answer questions about your age. Notice it uses the verb avoir (to have). Quel age as tu? means What age do you have? The answer: J'ai 8 ans means I have 8 years. You must always include the word "ans"-years other wise you could be answering: I have 8, I have 8 what?
A great way to learn the numbers for your age. Also the teen numbers are super important as you will use them 3 times as you learn to count from 1 to 100.
Listen to this clip of Italian greetings, do you notice the links between Italian and French?
Can you spot the greetings you know? Also helpful for asking how someone is, age and where they live.
Find out about the les sports d'hiver and remember to keep sounding.
Find out more about les animaux de Guyane. How many do you know?
This is a little quiz, can you name all the mountains in France?
Find out about the Canadian the Huron Wendat Tribe.
The Huron-Wendat Tribe has grown its reputation for welcoming visitors to share its traditions and culture.
Quebec is a Canadian, French-speaking province. Find out about its landscapes, sports and hobbies.
Watch this video and try these top tips next time you go on a walk.
Challenge the people in your house. Try to beat the number of claps each time. It's not as easy as it looks! Have fun!
Watch this to help understand the benefits of daily exercise.
Try this at home, its not as easy as it looks! Challenge mum's and dad's to have a go too! Have fun!
Why not exercise with your pet?
Try this at home to help keep fit
Find out about a class visit to a Brittany beach.
Go to 25 minutes 45 seconds
Watch this clip, there are a couple of songs and a trip to the beach. Listen out for the new words you are learning.
A clip from this year's military parade dedicated to France's health and care workers, attended by President Macron. No crowds at the Place de la Concorde to hear the French national anthem, La Marseillaise.
Singing and signing La Marseillaise, the French national anthem during the 14th July parade in Paris.
Draw the Eiffel Tower and add fireworks for le 14 juillet celebrations.
Anything can happen in the Tour!
Riders from all over the world compete in the Tour de France and languages are very important in this multi-national event.
As the riders cycle through France many people make road side designs to celebrate the Tour.