Find out about the les sports d'hiver and remember to keep sounding.
Find out more about les animaux de Guyane. How many do you know?
This is a little quiz, can you name all the mountains in France?
Find out about the Canadian the Huron Wendat Tribe.
The Huron-Wendat Tribe has grown its reputation for welcoming visitors to share its traditions and culture.
Quebec is a Canadian, French-speaking province. Find out about its landscapes, sports and hobbies.
Visit the Canadian, French-speaking province oF Quebec to find out about its many sports, hobbies and magnificent landscapes.
Stone Age art in the Grottes de Lascaux, France.
Bonjour song: find out how someone is, age and where someone lives.
SONG_1 à 100: identify the composite numbers, eg dix-neuf.
RAP: AGE – Quel âge as-tu? Ask and answer questions about your age.
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
DAYS,NUMBERS & FOOD in the Hungry Caterpillar story in French.
SONG: L’Alphabet - spot the letters that sound the same
Les voyelles: the vowels - spot the different sounds in French.
RAP verb: AIMER – to like/love
RAP verb: ALLER – to go
RAP verb: AVOIR - to have
RAP verb: FAIRE - to do/to make v. JOUER – to play
VERBS: FAIRE – to do/to make v. JOUER – to play explained
L’HEURE - TIME: Ask and say time in French
L’HEURE - TIME: la routine
L’heure - TIME: Test yourself
LA MÉTEO - WEATHER: vocabulary
La Méteo - WEATHER: a forecast
DIRECTIONS: vocabulary and a story
Directions: Tour de Paris - can you spot these famous landmarks?
Directions: Compass, continents and oceans.
LES SPORTS: Aimes-tu les sports? Faire or jouer.
LES ANIMAUX: As-tu un animal? Aimes-tu les animaux?