La semaine - days of the week

VIDEO hungry caterpillar IN FRENCH

This well known story will help you learn the days of the week in French and different types of food. Don't forget it also teaches you about the life cycle of a papillon (butterfly).

How To Draw The Eiffel Tower

Watch this video and see how to draw the Eiffel Tower.

Petit Ours Brun – les sons des animaux

Petit Ours Brun – Little Brown Bear acts out some animal moves and then has a quiz of animal sounds.

GUIDE - Tu as un animal?_Animals in French

Lots of animals and questions and answers in French.

Jack et le Haricot Magique - Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk in French.

Se presenter-introduce yourself

Peppa Pig in French

Continents et Oceans in French


Can you spot the greetings you have learnt? Can you sing the Bonjour Song we sing in class? This clip is also good for finding out how someone is, age and where someone lives.

SONG: Ça va? Les dinosaures

Ça va? How are you? You can work out to answer this question. Add some actions for gros-huge, vite-fast and haut-high.


Learn the numbers 1-9. This will help you say your age.

RAP: 1-20 Can you learn to count up to 20? This is catchy rap will help yo

RAP: AGE – Quel âge as-tu?

Ask and answer questions about your age.

SONG: Months

You can see how some of the French months look like the English words. But look at the first letter of each month. Why is Miss Ferguson not happy?

SONG: Joyeux Anniversaire

We all love this song and it teaches us: the months, seasons and how to ask someone’s birthday, “Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?


How did you do? Did you remember all your colours? Remember to repeat the colours, it will help you to remember the colours.

SONG: J’aime les couleurs

Wave when you hear a colour.

SONG: L’Alphabet

You will love this song. Can you spot the letters that sound the same?

LEARN THE VOWELS (Les voyelles)

Have a go at these sounds. Can you spot the differences between the way you sound A,E,I,O,U in English?